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Rising Phoenix Perfumery

Surfers Paradise - Banana Island - Krui, Sumatra - Rare Agarwood Chips

Surfers Paradise - Banana Island - Krui, Sumatra - Rare Agarwood Chips

Regular price $95.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $95.00 USD
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Jungle : Banana Island - Krui, Sumatra
Class : Wild
Species : Hirta/Candan

One of the more popular destinations for surfing Sumatra is the South Sumatra area - particularly the area around Krui.

Way Jambu (Sumatran Pipeline), Ujung Bocur, Mandiri Beach, Honey Smacks, Jennys Point, Jimmys, Krui Left and The Peak are only some of the numerous surf spots that are waiting for you on your next trip surfing Sumatra.

Another option would be to charter a boat to Pulau Pisang (Banana Island) and explore the breaks around the island or go for a snorkeling adventure when the waves are flat. Most of the surf spots are only suitable for intermediate or above and beginners will have a hard time to find waves without getting hurt.

Pulau Pisang, or Banana Island is only 149 hectares and about fourty minutes by boat from Muara Krui or Labuan Jukung.

No cars - only motorcycle to go around the island. Time stops here, and doing nothing is the best way to enjoy this island.

Until now.

Enjoy this rare Agarwood from a tiny island most know only as a surfing and snorkeling destination a mere 149 hectares in size.


Finding Hirta/Candan these days is always a bit of a miracle. Finding a miracle from tiny 149 hectare island you’ve likely never even heard of - makes for one heck of an exceptional miracle.

Similar to our Bangka Island score in the sense that it’s more similar to Aceh than it is to the more oceanic/salty/bug spray scents found throughout the rest of Sumatra.

It doesn’t smell like any of your Cambodian, Thai, or Malaysian woods. It’s neither floral, nor fruity. This is a stand-alone olfactory delight that will add a bizarre uniqueness to your oud collection.

A pervasive sweetness that underscores luscious notes of earth, aged oak-soaked balsam, and a honey-pollen sugary hit that screams “Surfer’s Paradise!”

Two woods straddling Sumatra ...
Our Bangka Hirta lays to the East.
Banana Island to the West.

Both Hirta batches and sharing some similarities - but distinctively different from one another given their unique terroirs - be sure to grab some of both to compare and contrast!

Materials: Indonesian Oud,Surfers Paradise,Krui Oud,Banana Island,Pulau Pisang Oud

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